Monday, February 27, 2012

The Hamster and the Kitten

When I was really little, like just walking, I remember stepping on a kitten's neck.  I didn't know any better.  Dad took the kitten away
and found it a safer home.  Which is exactly what he should have done.

Later on, there was a hamster.  I found him hanging from his tail off the top of his cage one morning.  "The hamster committed suicide," my mother said and laughed.

I thought that I had a duckling also.  But it turned out to be one of those fake memory things, a confabulation I think rather than a traumatic thing.  Part of it was accurate though.  I "remember" releasing the duckling (that never was) in a pond.  Dad and I used to go to that pond to feed the ducks-- just not any duckling that I ever had which I didn't.

sapphoq on life

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