Saturday, February 21, 2015

Almost Two Months Out

Almost two months out since the death of my dad. 

I miss Dad however, I am alright. Although still sleeping a bit extra, I am pretty much back in the routine of things. I've been blogging, selling my books, []
hanging on social media-- nope, I don't do Facebook (tm)-- exercising and training the dog, and rearranging snow in the yard. And feeding the birds outside, playing with the cats inside, and feeding the indoor frogs. And back to my routine at the gym as well.

I'm not feeling any sort of "hole" from Dad's demise, not wailing as people who have no hope do, not consuming vast quantities of food. Nothing self-destructive. Life is for the living.

I will always remember Dad. 

I'm writing a second novel and some essays. 

The idea that non-theists have no hope of meeting up with dead people in a future after is probably accurate for most of us and definitely accurate for this non-theist. I don't find that thought particularly distressing.

This life is enough.

sapphoq on life