Friday, July 05, 2013

Love Without gods

"God is love" starts out a verse from first John that I remember from my jesus freak days.  It had a hold on me this love thing.  "Love one another."  "The greatest of these is love."  Love, love, love.  Something about it appealed to the hippie dippy innards of my fundy soul.  Feel the love.  I wasn't feeling it.  I didn't fit in.  As usual.

Like an artist lacking the correct audience, my gifts and talents went unappreciated.  I hadn't figured out yet that when the organization becomes unsupportive, it's time to leave the organization.  I sat but there was no shat.  Still, I remained on the pot.  Hoping.  Hoping I would feel the love.  Hoping that the prayer-spells would work.  I didn't blend in.  I was a streak of raucous hilarity in a funeral home.  I was stifled.

The other day, someone asked "If you don't believe in any gods, then what is love?"  I recognized the supposition behind the question-- If god is love, then what is not-god.  And the unexpressed assumption-- without god, there is no love.  I had thought those very things once upon a time myself.

Love is an emotion.  It does not require being anything else.  Sure, some stuff can evolve alongside of love-- commitment, sexual things, admiration, respect, friendship.  All of that stuff is not required.  Love is an emotion.  And that is enough.

sapphoq on life   

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